The Al-Khadija Young Women’s Empowerment Retreat, took place on Saturday, September 28th, 2013 at Loyola Marymount University-St. Roberts Hall.
The day featured five workshops, led by :
- Linda Whitman, MBA
- Laaila Abdullah, MFA
- Lagreta McHenry
- Joanna Cain, MFT
- Dr. Amina Humphrey, PhD
The program commenced with an empowerment session led by Linda Whitman in which she spoke on the importance of setting goals and incorporating your passion into your everyday actions. She pointed out the importance of “living the life you have imagined” at a young age.
The participants then had a chance to focus on their health and spirituality, through a yoga session with Laaila Abdullah.
Joanna Cain led the girls in a jewelry workshop in preparation for starting their own business initiative.
Dr. Amina Humphreys ,PhD led us in a closing session about the rewards of education and the ways in which the participants can empower themselves as young women of color.
La Greta McHenry shared stories of her journey of founding her own nonprofit, Culinary Cultural Exchange Program for youth and the power of cultivating one’s talents.