Al-Khadija Young Women's Empowerment Workshop Recap

The women's empowerment session featured a workshop on Brazilian dance as well as an exercise on Theater of the Oppressed, a system of games and techniques developed by Augusto Boal that aims to give those who face oppression a way to use theater as an instrument of concrete social transformation.

Lailaa Abdullah led the dance session, which also incorporated a lesson on geography and culture.

Jessica Viramontes followed her with a Theater of Oppressed workshop in which the participants got a chance to express their frustrations and concerns about the inner-city public and charter school system through performing skits.

The program ended with a lesson on dressing for success by Okera Banks, a prominent stylist in Los Angeles.

The Great California Shakeout


Everyone, everywhere, should know how to protect themselves in an earthquake. Even if earthquakes are rare where you live, they may happen where you or your family travel.-

This year, Five Points Youth Foundation, Inc. will be participating in the Great California Shakeout, in order to spread the word on the importance of disaster preparedness. There are over 25 states and countries within an earthquake prone territory, and many people are not aware that an earthquake can happen in their community. Be in the know!

For more information, please visit: